Your second coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine appointment

Following recent advice from the UK Chief Medical Officers, we are now rescheduling some second coronavirus vaccination appointments for patients who had their first dose of vaccine before Christmas.

This means many other people can get their first dose of the vaccine more quickly and have protection against coronavirus.

Please be reassured that the second dose of the vaccine remains effective when given up to 12 weeks after the first dose, and the new guidance says it should now be given towards the end of this 12 week period.

While you will still need two doses of the vaccine to get the best long-term protection from the virus, you will still have a high level of protection from 22 days after you received the first dose.

We will call you to reschedule your second vaccine appointment. Please do not call us. Health services (and our telephone lines) are incredibly busy at the moment.

We apologise for any inconvenience and look forward to seeing you for your second vaccine dose at the right time. In the meantime please continue to wash your hands, use face coverings and remain at home except for essential reasons.

For more information on the vaccine, please visit