Getting your test results
If you have had any kind of test, either at the surgery or a hospital then you must always contact the surgery to confirm the test results.
Please do not assume if you do not hear anything that the results are negative.
The doctors check results before the receptionist relays any information to you. If a doctor needs to speak to you personally, the receptionist will suggest the best time to ring.
For reasons of confidentiality, we are unable to relay results to anyone other than the patient concerned, unless the patient is a child.
Once a doctor has reviewed your test results, you can view them:
- in your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App)
- in your SystmOnline account
- by phoning us on 01603 488477 and we will tell you what the results are
Questions about your results
If you want to talk to someone about your results, please phone us on 01603 488477.